Frequently Asked Questions

  • Love the new site!
    But where are my pictures that were
    in my account previously?

    Thanks! We’re really excited about this site. The challenge in changing things up was that we could not move all the accounts and photos saved there over en masse. Good news is it’s easy to download and archive them, or move to this new site and start fresh!

    Most important thing - we will help you!! Giving you instructions here to DIY, but please don’t panic or worry! Call us or come in and we will be happy to help make this happen!

    Go here:
    1. In the upper right corner under “My Account,” sign in, then go to “My Photos”.
    2. Select an album
    3. Check “Select All”
    4. Click “Download” This will create a “Zip” file of the selected album into your computer’s download files.
    5. Repeat for each of your albums
    6. Upload into our new site and/or save those to a USB for archiving

    Please note our old site will be available for you to download your photos until January 1, 2025. After that, your account will be unavailable.

  • Why “Ballyhoo”?

    Many moons ago, Gerri participated in a teen leader 4-H camp whose theme was “Ballyhoo For You!” She thought it was very clever, had a cool ring to it and it just stuck with her. Years later, watching Winnie the Pooh with her young daughter, Eeyore told his gang that “It’s nothing to ballyhoo about.” Make sure you just said that in Eeyore’s lovely monotone, deep voice. Go ahead, do it again. That sweet declaration brought ballyhoo back around and created smiles for the family. As her business creating bull sale catalogs was developing in the late 90s, Ballyhoo by definition appropriately fit the promotion she was helping with. That early business was Ballyhoo Productions, and when the print shop was purchased and the business expanded, it became Ballyhoo Printing & Design.

    ballyhoo \bal’ē-hoo\ n. Sensational or clamorous advertising or publicity v. To make known vigorously the positive features of (a product)

  • Can you print . . . on . . . ?

    We’ll absolutely give it our all!!! We can print any size anything, on anything. That’s a lot of any, so we can’t make absolute promises. However, we love a good challenge and love even more creating great things with you.

  • Can I create my own design for you to print?
    How about Etsy files or something from my designer?

    Yes and yes!! Creating your own or purchasing from Etsy, here are a few rules and suggested guidelines -

    COPYRIGHT and TRADEMARKS. We cannot print anything that is not your creation/art or that you have not purchased from the creator. Just ‘cuz it’s on the internet doesn’t mean it’s copyright free. There’s an artist/photographer/creator that made that and they deserve all the credit for their work. We will not compromise. Goes for lesser known artists up to the big obviously copyrighted images of Disney, NFL logos, etc. You must have permission.

    Okay. Now that you’ve created, purchased or had a friend make your own lovely things -

    PDFs are always best. These documents will print just like what you’re seeing when you send it, nothing will move around or change. They also hold the quality for printing where a jpg or png file will, in general, be lower resolution. This includes Word files, they love to change when opened on new systems.

    Printing Specs. There are some important things to keep in mind while creating -

    Margins. Give us a minimum of 3/8” safe margin area from the edge of anything you don’t want cut off to the edge of the finished piece.

    Bleed. A bleed is needed if you have a picture, color or anything that flows off the edge of the page. Bleed is an 1/8” area all the way around the finished document that those images that extend beyond the edge flow into. Printing and cutting is not a supremely precise process, so it’s nearly impossible to cut right at the edge of an image and not have some white show. This bleed creates the wiggle room needed to trim your piece to look good.

    When a bleed is used, your document will be printed on oversized paper and trimmed back to the final size. Note that there will be a cutting fee as our digital press can’t print right to the edge of the sheet.

    Crop Marks. How we know where to cut. Design software will add these marks for you as you export to PDF.

    Software. You have a lot of options to create in. We use Adobe - InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop. Canva and Adobe Express are becoming more popular and offer quick templates to get you rolling. Here are some Canva tips for downloading the image to send us for printing –

    Canva guide